PRIME MEATS British Chicken Supremes French Trim (032193)
Extra Virgin Olive Oil (051191)
Start by making the pangrattato, gently fry the ciabatta crumb and garlic in the olive oil until lightly golden. Stir in the chilli, thyme and cook for a further minute, remove from the heat and once cooled add the chopped parsley.
For the chicken, roughly chop the sage and mix with grated lemon zest and a tablespoon of olive oil. Toss the chicken Supremes in the mix and place onto parchment paper.
Wrap the marinated chicken in pancetta and place onto a lined roasting tray.
Cook under a medium grill until cooked through, turning every so often.
Cook the spaghetti until just tender, drain and toss with good olive oil, finely chopped green olives, capers and fresh parsley.